4 Ways You Can Build Influence and Succeed as a New Manager

For many new managers and supervisors, the most difficult issue they face is engaging their employees. New managers often assume their role with little or no real training.

We know that the number of disengaged workers is growing upwards of 75% making being effective as a manager difficult. How to get through to a difficult employee is often a frequent question. How can we better understand and influence our team members in a positive way? This article gives some excellent ways to more effectively work with employees to engage them and empowers them to be upstanding team members.

Building influence is more than having authority. An influential manager is one who exudes confidence, gains trust and inspires others to reach their fullest potential. Most new managers mistake being assertive as being aggressive. This management style is problematic because it creates a fear-based environment where employees are afraid to ask questions, share their opinions or speak up.

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